Total 1160 results
Looking C/E for Container fleet
Rejoining bonus 300 usd (if candidate is ready in 2 months of vacation) / 150 USD (if ready later); Loyality bonus 10 USD for each month of work o/b MSC vessels, Basic Service line is increased every 8 months (step is 100-150 usd). CEs who work with us for a long time have slary ar 10000 usd
IQrew Management LLC
8900-9000 USD
4 months
Russian, Ukrainian Officers, Phillipino Ratings
South East Asia Trading
IQrew Management LLC
8300 USD
4 months
German shipowner is in search of an experienced Chief Engineer who is ready to join the Feeder Container vessel:
- Intermediate English
- Mixed crew exp.,
- Good loyalty
- Ready to work in West Africa
- Exp. with MaK engine
- 1 year in Rank as minimum
7100 USD
Email for your CV:
Candidates should have experience with motor brand ABC. Dutch docs!
4900 EURO
10 weeks
Looking C/E with valid Schengen visa and preferable with Dutch documents. Contract 8 weeks/ salary 6450-6600 EUR. Watch engineer on board. Vessel detaials attached. joining on 15/01 at Rotterdam.
IQrew Management LLC
6450-6600 EUR
8 weeks
Требуется Single Engineer со знанием английского на Coaster
Немецкий судовладелец
Зарплата 4300 евро, контракт 5+/-1 месяца, посадка 28.12.2020
Год постройки 2000
Двигатель Deutz 1500 kw, MGO
Экипаж смешанный
Район работы Европа
Тел: +74012 311719
4300 euro
5 months
Требуется Старший Механик желательно с Голландскими документами на Сухогруз
Голландский судовладелец
Зарплата 6300-6800 евро по результатам собеседования
Контракт 2-4 недели, посадка 20-21.12.2020
Год постройки 2011
DWT 8000
Двигатель MAK 3000 kw IFO 380
В машине Старший Механик, Вайпер
Экипаж смешанный
Район работы Европа
Тел: +74012 311719
6300-6800 euro
1 months
Looking Single Engineer for General cargo fleet
Norway Ship owner/ north Europe trading
Russian speaking crew on board
Design: MaK (Group: Caterpillar), Engine Builder: MaK Motoren GmbH & Co. KG - Kiel 1 x 6M453C, 4 Stroke, Single Acting, In-Line (Vertical) 6 Cy. 320 x
420, Mcr: 2,147 kW (2,919 hp) at 600 rpm
Machinery Overview
1 oil engine reduction geared to screw shaft driving 1 CP propeller at 175 rpm Total Power: Mcr 2,147kW (2,919hp)Service Speed: 12.00kts Speed &
Consumption: 12.00 knots on 9.00 tonnes per day
Auxiliary Engines
Design: Scania, Engine Builder: Scania 2 x DS9 95 M, 4 Stroke 6Cy. 115 x 144, Mcr: 170 kW
Auxiliary Generators
1 x 648kW 220/380V a.c. main engine driven, 2 x 154kW 220/380V a.c.
IQrew Management LLC
5500 USD
2 months
Looking for a Chief Engineer experienced with main engine MAN B&W 6L60 MC 11482 kW to join Container vessel (10000 GT, 2 cranes x 40t). Candidate should speak good English and hold Schengen visa or Biometrical passport.
Please send your CV to
Baltic Transocean Shipping&Crewing SIA
8000 USD
4 months
Looking C/E for New Building container vessel with joing at China before new year. Crew Russian Masterr and C/E, filipino offciers and Indonesia ratings. Electronic engine experience required.
IQrew Management LLC
8500 USD
4 months