Требуется Капитан на Multi-Purpose vessel
Немецкий судовладелец
Зарплата 5750 евро+250 евро compensation bonus
Посадка 20.05.2017, контракт 4+/-1 месяц,
Год постройки 2011
DWT 5670
Район работы World Wide
Тел: +74012 571684, 571754
Looking for a Master for Sormovskiy type vessel
Embarkation will be at Istanbul within 4-5 days
salary 3000 usd
Район раб: Черное-Средиземное
Третьего помощника нет
Только граждане РФ
Тел +380962975747
Master for Towing Tug vessel, operation area - UAE, KSA, contract duration - 3 months on 1 month off, mixed crew, salary - 260 usd/day, required experience - 720 days rank experience on same type of vessels, age limits - 50 years old, please send your applications on crewing.emes@gmail.com
Master for Chemical tanker, 33000 DWT, year of built 2012, contract duration - 4 months, mixed crew, salary 10800 usd, minimum required experience - 18 months in rank on same type of vessel, please send your applications on crewing.emes@gmail.com
Container 2001 y.b., TEU 2462, ME MAN+B&W 7L70MC, 19810kW, similar container experience, mixed crew, only citizens of Russia are considered, joining - April 2017